Episode 102: Snow Removal and Accessible Streets

Host Sam Woods sits down with Brian Peters, Harvey Ross, Jason Ostrowski, and Lauren Grudzinski, to discuss the importance of snow removal for sidewalk and street accessibility. When snow is left in the sidewalk, on curb cuts, or bus stops, it is difficult for people using wheelchairs (or strollers, anything using wheels) or with low vision to get around. While removing your snow may feel like an endless chore, it really is a civic responsibility. So remove your snow, make sure your neighbors remove their snow, and find a way to clear curb cuts.

To learn more, visit:

Action Steps

  1. Be proactive about shoveling and making sure your neighbors shovel

  2. Learn more about sidewalk accesibility. Visit Independence First's website for resources and learning opportunities.

  3. Write news stations to remind people to remove snow when snow is on the forecast.

  4. Clear the whole sidewalk when shoveling, not just a narrow pathway.

Bridge the City

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Music by Casey Masters.