Episode 114: Milwaukee Talkie w/ Judge Derek Mosley
Episode 113: B Corps in Milwaukee
EpisodesBridge The City PodcastDrew Pond, Kelsey Moses, Stone Creek Coffee, Lakefront Brewery, B Corp, What is a B Corp, Milwaukee Podcast, Milwaukee B Corp, Milwaukee Businesses, Ben Hoekstra
Episode 112: Woodland Pattern
EpisodesBridge The City PodcastWoodland Pattern, Poetry, Local Poetry, Book Store, Book Center, Milwaukee Book Store, Milwaukee Poetry, Jenny Gropp, Laura Solomon, Riverwest
Episode 110: Lion's Tooth
Episodes, Milwaukee TalkieBridge The City PodcastLion's Tooth, Local Bookstore, Milwaukee Bookstore, Graphic Novels, Zines, Cris Siqueira, Bayview, Election, Milwaukee Election, Milwaukee Mayoral Election, Milwaukee Mayor, Local Election, Local Politics
Episode 109: Help Wanted
Episode 106: Unionization in Milwaukee
EpisodesBridge The City PodcastColectivo, Labor, Unions, Colectivo Unionization, Colectivo Coffee, Robert Penner, Sam Harshner, Hillary Laskonis, Milwaukee, MKE, Labor Rights, Podcast about milwaukee, Milwaukee Unionization
Episode 104: Envision South 13th Street Together
Episodes, Milwaukee TalkieBridge The City PodcastMilwaukee, Local politics, milwaukee common council, City of Milwaukee, Department of City Development, Amy Oath, Leif Otteson, Envision South 13th Street, Bridge the City, Area Plan, Crisol Corridor
Episode 103: Election Special - April 6th, 2021
Episodes, Election SpecialsBridge The City PodcastMilwaukee, Milwaukee Election, State Superintendent Race, State Superintendent, Milwaukee Public Schools, Milwaukee Public School Board, MPS, Deborah Kerr, Jilly Gokalgandhi, Jill Underly, Aisha Carr, Dana Kelley, Alex Brower, Local Elections, Local politics
Episode 102: Snow Removal and Accessible Streets
Milwaukee Talkie, EpisodesBridge The City Podcastindependence first, milwaukee sidewalks, accessible streets, active streets milwaukee, disability rights milwaukee, jason ostrowski, brian peters, lauren grudinski, harvey ross
Episode 101: Milwaukee Talkie w/ Dr. Robert Schneider
Episodes, Milwaukee TalkieBridge The City PodcastRobert Schneider, UWM, Reckless Driving, Public Transportation, Safer Streets, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, UW-Milwaukee, Professor Schneider, Bob Schneider, Milwaukee, Podcast, Wisconsin