Episode 88: Bridging the Digital Divide
EpisodesBridge The City PodcastMilwaukee, Education, MPS, MPS Foundation, Milwaukee Academy of Science, Anthony McHenry, Tina Chang, Wendell Willis, COVID-19, Virtual Learning, Milwaukee Podcast, School, Distance Learning, Remote Learning, Charter Schools
Episode 87: Active Streets
EpisodesBridge The City PodcastMilwaukee, Mayor Barrett, BID, Active Streets, Public Space, COVID 19, pandemic, Liz Brodek, East Side Business Improvement District, Downer Avenue Business Improvement District, public space
Episode 86: Police Reform in Milwaukee
EpisodesBridge The City Podcastracial justice, Milwaukee, Milwaukee Police Reform, Police, Police Reform, Defund the Police, Abolish the Police, Reggie Jackson, Chantia Lewis, Alderwoman, Common Council, State Representative, State Politics, City Politics, LaKeshia Myers, State Representative LaKeshia Myers, Milwaukee Police Department, Fire and Police Commission, Mayor Barrett, Lakeisha Myers
Episode 85: Expanding the Definition of Violence
Episode 84: Universal Basic Income
Episode 83: Black Lives Matter
EpisodesBridge The City Podcastneighbors, community, economy, episodes, themed, Episodes, Black Lives Matter, Black Life Matters, Racial Justice, Protests, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Say Their Names, No Justice No Peace, Justice for George Floyd, Justice for Breonna Taylor, Black Trans Lives Matter, Black Queer Lives Matter, What Do We Want, Justice, Social Justice, We Must Stand Together, If We Don't Get It Shut It Down, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Black Leaders Organizing Communities, Leaders Igniting Transformation, African American Round Table, City of Milwaukee, County of Milwaukee, racial justice
Episode 82: Milwaukee Talkie w/ Nick O'Brien
Episode 81: Mutual Aid
EpisodesBridge The City Podcastmutual aid, ayuda mutua, melody mccurtis, alida cardos whaley, COVID 19, milwaukee podcasts, metcalfe park community bridges, neighbors, community, economy
Episode 80: Online Communities
EpisodesBridge The City Podcastmilwaukee podcast, podcasts about milwaukee, jeremy fojut, newaukee, riverwest, ruth weill, darren gough, island23, online communities, virtual community, social media
Episode 79: Milwaukee Talkie w/ Meghan Forseth
Milwaukee Talkie, EpisodesBridge The City Podcastcsa, community supported agriculture, milwaukee podcasts, milwaukee podcast, wisconsin podcast, podcasts about milwaukee, milwaukee csa, community, supported, agriculture, farmers, environment, urban ecology center