Social X: Young Professionals Thriving In Milwaukee
Social X is run by 3 Milwaukeeans: Marquayla Ellison, President & the creative force behind Ellastic Designs, LLC.; Tenia Fisher, Director of Health & Wellness; and Ranell Washington, Vice President of Social X and Vice President of Business Banking at Town Bank. Fisher is also a teacher at Greater Holy Temple Christian Academy.
Social X MKE is a young professional (YP) diversity and inclusion consulting group. They create and provide a connective platform for diverse YPs, businesses, and corporations to successfully thrive in Greater Milwaukee and surrounding areas.
Social X on the Pod
Bridge the City’s Director of Strategic Partnerships, Ashlie Benson, took time to talk to Social X about their work in the community and how Milwaukeeans can support their mission.
The Social X team believes no one can tell the story of Milwaukee better than someone is from here. Evident in their interview, telling their story is something they do with flair. Milwaukee natives understand best that we are known for being a “small big city.” With two-to-three degrees of separation, Milwaukee allows organizations and individuals like Social X President Marquayla Ellison to flourish.
Marquayla joined Social X at age 23. She was working full time in a corporate role and managed her graphic design firm, Ellastic Designs, LLC, on the side. Over the last few years, the mentorship and support she received from Social X allowed her to make Ellastic Designs, LLC her full-time gig. You can check out her work here. Marquayla believes that providing local businesses with high-quality visuals and graphic design changes what people expect and shows that there are black and brown Milwaukee professionals doing great work. Aside from hosting social and networking events, Social X provides business services such as job postings, consulting and creative work.
Tenia Fisher, Social X’s Director of Health & Wellness, also spoke with Ashlie about how they are helping Milwaukeeans think out of the box and get active. One important pillar of Social X is FEAR: Forget Everything And Run. Whether you can’t run a mile or you’re training for a marathon, FEAR is inclusive and ready to support all skill levels. And, Tenia and Rannell will be there to cheer you from day 1 to year 6 during the workout and afterward as they regularly get together for post-workout drinks or brunch. And while Tenia’s affection for beer and cheese is as strong as they come, it’s refreshing to see a young professional group leaning away from the drinking culture and instead leaning into health and wellness. I cannot wait to join them in May.
Listen to the full episode, where you can just about feel the love Tenia has for her runners and the camaraderie on the team.
A Look Beyond the Episode
Social X is celebrating its 8th anniversary this year in August. While Social X is coming up on a big milestone, you may not have heard that due to the lack of positive news and examples of leadership in the black community in Milwaukee area news-media. In speaking with Ashlie, Marquayla commented, “I wish there were more balance in positive news around neighborhoods and communities in Milwaukee; it is hard to share and rely on the news when it does not reflect the populations I see daily. Neighborhood News Service and the BEE narrative are strong sources of local news.”
When asked about the biggest misconception about Social X, they want readers to know that Social X is not just for people of color and it’s not just for mid-career folks. Social X is for everyone. As Ranell said, “Young professionals at Social X are budding and becoming, and we’re getting better together.”
Q: How does local news affect your role?
Marquayla Ellison, President: I wish there were more balance in positive news around neighborhoods and communities in Milwaukee; it is hard to share and rely on the news when it does not reflect the populations I see daily; Neighborhood News Service and the BEE narrative are strong sources of local news.
Ranell Washington, VP: There should be more local coverage of Social X; this is our 8th year and we are celebrating and want to hear about that in the news; 8 years of building networks, relationships, expertise in different fields, etc. I want that to be showcased and leveraged when local media covers communities and Social X.
Tenia Fisher, Director of Health & Wellness: Local news makes it harder when negative coverage around education in Milwaukee and Milwaukeeans, in general, are covered negatively; as an educator, I want local news to showcase strong examples of leadership in the black community more.
Q: What’s the biggest misconception about Social X?
Marquayla: They Social X is only for people of color; you don’t have to have everything figured out yet…Young professionals at Social X are budding and becoming, and we’re getting better together.
Ranell: Social X is more than parties; the social component acts as a base to build relationships; it’s the glue of why to love Milwaukee.
Q: What’s your favorite spot in Milwaukee?
Marquayla: Sherman Phoenix
Ranell: Bittercube Bar & Bazaar
Tenia: Milwaukee Public Market
Social X @ Spiritous
Offline, I joined Social X at Spiritous, a Sunday afternoon event in celebration of international women’s day. Around 5 PM, I headed to the event at another favorite spot, Hex Nightclub. I blinked the sun out of my eyes as I walked into the dark dance club falling immediately into the trance of a Saturday-night feel. Between the complimentary buffet, drink specials by Gentleman Jack, and the infectious laughter of host Marquayla Ellison, us guests had a great time.
At the bar, I spoke with Social X newcomers, having just arrived in Milwaukee and looking to build a network and relationships, along with Social X Alumni. It was clear that it didn’t matter where you were in your professional life, or where you came from: Social X is diverse, inclusive, and throws an absolute great party. I don’t always spend my Sunday afternoons in the nightclub but when I do, I prefer to be hanging with Social X.
While no one can say when we’ll be able to get back together in the physical realm, keep an eye on Social X’s socials for upcoming virtual events.
Action Step: Tell a friend about Social X. Plus, June 14-20 is Homecoming Week. You should come.
Kacee Ochalek is an executive producer and host here at Bridge the City. You can connect with Kacee here.
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